In the process of cell culture, contamination is a headache for researchers. Among the contamination sources, researchers often ignore bacteria and fungi in cell rooms, incubators, water baths, and water trays. Based on accumulated experience for years in the field of cell culture, Pricella has independently developed a set of solutions specific to environmental contamination, including cell room contamination, incubator contamination, water bath contamination, water tray contamination, etc.
Bath SafeGuard owns a strong function of inactivating bacteria and mold spores and therefore is used as an agent for contamination control in cell room water baths and incubator water trays. Under normal circumstances, it can maintain the aseptic state of the water bath and water tray for 7-10 days. Especially for stubborn fungi, it has a strong removal and inhibition effect, which can effectively prevent microbial contamination, thereby reducing the waste of effort, money, time, and experimental materials caused by cell contamination.
Matters Need Attention
1. Bath SafeGuard can be diluted with tap water, pure water or sterilized water.
2. If the Bath SafeGuard contacts with the skin, eyes, etc., wash immediately with plenty of water, and seek medical treatment immediately if necessary.
3. Wear a lab coat and disposable gloves for operation.